Vp Sara wanted the speedy elimination of extra paperworks for teachers but some divisions fail to follow
VP Sara wanted the speedy elimination of extra paperworks of the teachers. This was her first concern to help ease the burden of the teachers, yet many divisions failed to follow it. They are still giving the teachers many paperworks and reports. This will hinder the learning process. The district will ask the paperworks right there and then because the division is asking as well.

The elimination of extra paperworks will help the teachers big time. All division offices should adhere to the new protocol or else it will still be useless. Teachers need more time to focus on their lessons and students. This is what matters the most in the public schools. All teachers should focus on teaching and not on doing paperworks which is bound only for filing.
The truth is, not all division are trying to follow the new protocol. Many divisions in some regions of the country need assessment. Our higher officials should take a moment to visit so they will now what is up to these divisions. If speedy elimination of extra paperworks is the target then let it be now. Remove all unnecessary paperworks that add up to the actual job of the teachers.
If elimination of extra paperworks will push through then our teachers will be the best. They will have extra time for the preparation of their lessons. They can for sure take a good look on their students very well. This is what they are praying for, like the past decades when teachers only teach. It is their only focus. The students are their first priority inside the school premises and nothing else.

Why do teachers have to do many paperworks when their job description is only to teach? This is the most asked question from the teachers. It is unlucky that not all teachers have the guts to tell their sentiments. – Avril | Helpline PH