Free Trainings with CPD units for Teachers

Free Trainings with CPD units for Teachers

In the Philippines, there’s a special program called Continuing Professional Development, or CPD for short. This program is really important for people with jobs like doctors, engineers, and teachers. The government made CPD a rule in 2016. It means these professionals have to keep learning new things all the time to do their jobs well.

Why CPD is Important

CPD is all about helping these workers stay up-to-date with the latest skills and knowledge. The world changes a lot, especially with new technology and different ways of doing things. CPD helps them keep up with these changes so they can do their jobs well and stay ahead.

What Professionals Have to Do

Every professional in the Philippines needs to earn CPD points to keep their work license. The number of points they need depends on their job. They can get these points by going to workshops, seminars, and online classes that the government says are okay.

Some Problems with CPD

But not everyone thinks CPD in the Philippines is working perfectly. Some people find it hard to get to these classes or to pay for them. They also wonder if all the classes are really helpful. And sometimes, dealing with all the forms and paperwork can be really annoying.

Looking Ahead

People want to make CPD better because of these problems. They have ideas like making the classes cheaper, making sure they’re actually helpful, and making the paperwork easier. The government and different job groups are working on fixing these issues.

Challenges and Solutions in CPD Implementation

A big problem with CPD is that it can be expensive and hard to find the right classes. This is especially tough for people who live far away or don’t have a lot of money.

FREE Training with CPD Units

Announcement: Future FREE Trainings offering CPD units will be accessible through this page (Helpline PH). Please note, Zoom links, attendance, and evaluation forms will not be posted. Stay tuned for more opportunities to engage in FREE trainings with CPD units.

Join our broadcast channel for the latest announcements on free trainings with CPD units – Click here.

8 CPD Units

Registration: Click Here

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2 CPD Units

June 25, 2024

Note: The registration will be available during the webinar

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6 CPD Units

July 12, 2024

Registration: The registration link is in the image.

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7 CPD Units

June 17-18, 2024

Zoom ID: 629 258 6112

Password: ACERT2024

Registration: TBA

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2 CPD Units

July 27, 2024

Registration: TBA

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5 CPD Units

June 27-28, 2024

Registration: scan the code in the image

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2 CPD Units

July 1, 2024

Registration: TBA

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10 CPD Units

July 13 – 20, 2024

Registration: TBA

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2 CPD Units

July 1, 2024

Registration: TBA

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4 CPD Units

June 28, 2024

Registration: TBA

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2 CPD Units

July 13, 2024

Registration: TBA

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10 CPD Units

May 13 – June 30, 2024

Registration: scan the code in the image

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2 CPD Units

July 6, 2024

Registration: TBA

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7 CPD Units

June 22 – 30, 2024

Registration: scan the code in the image

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4Rs Training for Women and Children Protection

3 CPD Units

June 4 – 30, 2024

Registration – Click Here

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3 CPD Units

April 8 – July 2, 2024

Registration: Click Here

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How to Join Specialized Human Rights Courses in 2024

Want to learn more about human rights? Great! But first, you need to take a basic course. Here’s what to do:

Step 1: Pick a Basic Course

Start with one of these courses:

  • Human Rights 101
  • Right to Health
  • Right to Mental Health

These courses help you understand human rights better. Check when these courses are happening by looking at training calendar.

Step 2: Finish the Basic Course

After you finish and pass one basic course, you get a Certificate of Completion. This certificate has a special code.

Step 3: Use the Code for Advanced Courses

When you want to join one of more advanced, FREE CPD Accredited Certificate Courses, you need to use the code from your basic course certificate.

So, start with the basic course, get your certificate, and then you’re ready for the advanced courses!

Registration Link: Click Here

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Note: This page will post more free trainings with CPD units. Also, join our community for additional opportunities to earn Free CPD Units. —>

For example, some groups and the government are now offering FREE CPD trainings, workshops, seminars, and webinars. These are to help professionals get good education without spending a lot of money. They cover lots of topics and are easy to get to, even for people in far places. This helps with the money problem and lets more people learn important things for their jobs.

People are also asking to make the process of getting these classes approved easier and to make sure the classes are really useful. This would make CPD better for everyone.

Read: INSET should be PRC accredited


Even though there are some problems with CPD in the Philippines, things like free classes are helping. They make it possible for all professionals to keep learning and getting better, which helps them and the whole country too.