What keeps teachers motivated in working hard?
What keeps teachers motivated in working hard despite the many struggles? We all know that teaching is not an easy job most especially at present. When the pandemic hits us all, it also changes the lives of the people.
Teachers are not exempted with the problems arising at present. Yet, they manage to stay strong and fulfill their duties and responsibilities. They are the real proof of “no retreat no surrender” type of individuals.Â
So, what keeps teachers motivated in working hard?
1. Their family that awaits them after work.
The family is the number one reason that keeps teachers motivated in working hard. Teachers are the breadwinners of the family most of the time. Their parents, siblings and children depend on them. Teachers need to work hard even when at times they are feeling sick. The salary they get from working is important to them. So the main reason of teachers is to earn a living for the family.
2. The students that rely on their expertise.
Teachers love their students as if they are their own. Being a teacher requires love and concern for the young ones. You can never be a teacher if you don’t like dealing with kids and teens. If you are a working hard teacher, it means you love your students. Teachers want the best for their students until such they know how to find a greener pasture on their own. Teaching is not only about money but integrity as well.
3. The community that depends on them.
Teachers are strong role models in the community. Parents look up to them with pride and respect. These are the things that keep teachers going. A teacher will get old but the legacy she left behind will always be there.
4. The presence of lovable and understandable co-teachers inside the school community.
Most of the time, this is what teachers awaits upon entering the school. Not all the public schools have united community of teachers. Disputes and little misunderstandings are always present. Yet, the feeling of belongingness will conquer it all. Teachers will always be teachers inside their circle.
All in all, it is not only about the salary, the money that they receive every moth. It is the sole meaning of teaching that lives up to make teachers thrive hard despite everything. – Clea | Helpline PH