Teachers are bonafide puppets in the educational system in 10 savage ways

Teachers are bonafide puppets

Teachers are bonafide puppets in the educational system in 10 savage ways

Teachers are bonafide puppets in education they say. It is actually not education itself but the educational system where teachers are in. In the past decades, teachers were already in this scenario but they did not realize it before. Not until today when teachers are already observant of the environment and happenings.

So, how can we say that teachers are bonafide puppets in today’s educational set up? There are too many to mention but we will only focus on the very clear ones. 

Here are the 10 savage ways teachers are bonafide puppets in today’s educational set up:

1. Teachers in the past and teachers at present don’t have a voice.

Teachers wanted very much to cry their sentiments but it won’t happen. They have their own voices but nobody heard it.

2. Teachers only follow instructions from higher authorities all the time across the board.

Instructions from higher authorities were always and still are to prevail. Even if sometimes it is already inconvenient to the teachers.

3. No right to give their own opinion during elections.

Non-partisan and can’t express whom they wanted to support. 

4. They don’t have the right to give proper and fair judgment to their students.

They can’t fail a student right there and then because they have to follow “no student left behind” policy.

5. They are afraid to lose their job so they follow rules given by higher ups.

After all, their work is the only source of income so they won’t risk anything to lose it.

6. They can’t express themselves in an open way because they have many eyes and ears.

Everywhere teachers go, people will always know them. They are always the center of many issues by committing a small mistake.

7. They have concerns that are not heard by the higher ups.

Concerns will always remain concerns without proper assessment.

8. Act according to their student’s best interests but not for their own.

They always put their students first before themselves even if it means risk.

9. Protecting their students but they can’t protect their own.

Student’s welfare will always be the first priorities of the teachers before them.

10. Literal helpers in every activity in the society as ordered by heads.

In all activities involving the community teachers are always present. A community cannot function without teachers in it.

These come out true to all teachers out there who knew the system from the beginning to present. This is why teachers are bonafide puppets in today’s educational set-up.Avril| Helpline PH