Habits of an Effective Teacher: A Secret to Success
An effective teacher provides a respectful, positive, safe, and student-centered environment. They collaborate with their colleagues to analyze data and plan for effective and equitable instruction. An effective teacher constantly reflects on and evaluates the consequences of their decisions and actions.

Teachers have many habits to make their classroom management and teaching effective. There are many reasons why some teachers struggle in their management because they lack guidance to make their classroom management smooth and effective.
1. Enjoys Teaching
Teaching enjoyment has been observed when the teacher has a commitment, passion, and focus. Teaching is supposed to be a very fun and rewarding job, even if it can be hard and tiring at times.
In the teaching profession, teachers can only become teachers if they love and care for children with all their hearts. If they love the children, the children will love them in return. Give and take is the effect of the teachers’ patience for the unlimited love and care they give to their students.
Although teachers cannot immediately gain the students’ respect and attention, they can earn it if they know how to handle or manage the students’ time.
2. Makes a Difference
Making a difference is a good example of being an effective teacher. An effective teacher is someone who can create a distinct, new version of themselves in the lives of their students. As a teacher, you need to be aware of and remember the great responsibility that comes with your profession.
Make the students feel special, protected, and safe. They are seated in the instructor’s classroom. Teachers ought to think positively and set an example for students. This is what a good teacher should aim towards.
3. Spreads Positivity
Teachers should face the students with positive energy so that they will also be glad to be actively participating in the class activities. They don’t carry their battles from their own personal lives throughout the day, but instead the teacher should leave all the problems and struggles behind before they step foot on the floor.
Students deserve to have an effective teacher who spreads positivity in their classroom. Students can also adopt what the teachers do, especially when the teachers encourage the students to participate.
4. Gets Personal
The most important thing for being an effective teacher is to know their students’ interests so that the teacher can find ways to connect with them. It is important to know the student’s background so that the teacher can find ways to assist students like their learning styles and can know how to reach out to the students and how to contact the parents.
Teachers must to try to get to know the parents of their students as well. A smart way to inform the parents about their children’s academic success in the classroom is to speak with them.
If there are teachers who have cared about and praised their students, parents will appreciate it. I’m referring to the parents’ robust network of support both inside and outside of school.
5. Gives 100%
Being devoted to the teaching profession is a great help to making the work successful. Teachers should do it for self-growth and let others inspire them to finish their masters and professional degrees.
Give your all for yourself, your students, your parents, your school, and everyone else who believes in you. Never give up and try your best; that’s all that you can do. An effective teacher should give 100% to his or her all to his or her profession.
6. Stays Organized
As a teacher, you should be organized in your work. That is a measure of how you manage your class. Don’t procrastinate your work because every day has another task to do. Try your best to be on top of it and not let the pile grow past your head! It will save you a lot of time in the long run.
Planning ahead and keeping an ordered calendar are equally crucial! It’s unlikely that impromptu lesson preparations will be successful. Finally, keep a journal nearby and write down your thoughts as soon as an inspiration strikes. Create a strategy to implement those ideas after that.
7. Is Open-Minded
To be an effective teacher, you should learn to adopt old and new things. Be flexible so that you can go with the flow of the new trends. Accept it if you make mistakes, because mistakes guide you to being an effective teacher.
As a teacher, there are going to be times when you will be observed formally or informally (that’s also why you should give 100% at all times). Your boss, teachers, parents, and even your own children always judge and criticize you.
Instead of feeling bitter when somebody has something to say about your teaching, be open-minded when receiving constructive criticism and form a plan of action. Prove that you are the effective teacher that you want to be. Nobody is perfect, and there is always room for improvement. Sometimes, others see what you fail to see.
8. Has Standards
An effective teacher creates meaningful standards for their students and for themselves. Students should know the DOS and DON’T’s so that they know what is acceptable versus what isn’t.
For example, remind the students how you would like work to be completed. Are you the type of teacher who expects her students to do their best and cleanest work? Or are you the teacher who couldn’t care less? Now remember, you can only expect a lot if you give a lot. As the saying goes, “Practice what you preach.”
9. Finds Inspiration
Teachers should draw inspiration from a variety of sources, such as textbooks, instructional websites, Pinterest, YouTube, Facebook, blogs, and more.
Successful teaching requires creativity, but it doesn’t mean you have to come up with everything from fresh! Utilize as many different sources of inspiration as you can.

10. Embraces Change
Teachers should embrace change. There are many modern methods available at this time to help students and teachers stay current and grow. In life, things don’t always go according to plan. This is particularly true when it comes to teaching. Be flexible and go with the flow when change occurs. An effective teacher does not complain about changes when a new principal arrives.
They don’t feel the need to talk about how much better things were at their previous school or with their previous group of kids than they do now. Instead of worrying about change, embrace it wholeheartedly and prove that you can handle any curveball that is thrown your way!
11. Create Reflection
A skilled educator may readily evaluate their performance and educate themselves about what they find. As they all have them, they can also educate themselves on what they perceive to be their “weaknesses”! An effective teacher will complete their work in a way that prevents work from piling up.
To improve your teaching abilities, there is always more to learn and understand. We all have our “weaknesses,” therefore keep thinking about your job and educating yourself about them! The most crucial component is being able to recognize them and address them in order to enhance your teaching abilities.
Although there are many other traits that constitute a good teacher, I think these are the most crucial. These ones can be connected to a variety of other character qualities.
Every circumstance has some redeeming qualities, but it is up to you to identify them. Keep your chin up and smile when you teach for the joy of learning! An effective teacher should always establish a rapport with their students.
An effective teacher is positive, prepared, organized, clear, active, patient, fair, and technology savvy. Keep your students engaged with a positive attitude. You should know the course material. Have a plan for what you want to teach. Effective teachers can explain complex ideas in simple ways as you develop expertise in an academic field. – Doki | Helpline PH