Becoming a principal in the public school is not that fulfilling

Becoming a principal in the public school is not that fulfilling

Many teachers in public schools aim for higher positions, seeing promotions as significant milestones in their careers. The competition for a single promotion can be intense, with some teachers engaging in disputes to secure the position they desire.

The principal position, in particular, is highly sought after. Eligibility for this role requires teachers to have earned a doctorate degree, reflecting a stricter emphasis on educational background compared to the past.

Read: 6 traits of a Principal that each public school needs

The primary motivation for many seeking this position is undoubtedly the salary increase. It would be hypocritical to deny that a major reason we work hard is to earn more money. In this challenging world, having sufficient financial resources is crucial for survival.

As a simple teacher in a public school, I’ve witnessed the fierce competition for upward mobility. This phenomenon is not isolated to my school but is also prevalent in other public schools. Colleagues become rivals, with friendships turning into enmities over a promotion. Even Master teachers engage in conflicts and backstabbing for advancement.

Upon reflection, I’ve come to believe that being a principal may not be as fulfilling as it seems. Holding this position means being under constant scrutiny, with your relationships likely to change as colleagues may become less supportive. The salary, while perceived to be high, often does not compensate for the stress involved. Moreover, the difference in salary between principals and university professors or deans is not as significant as one might think.

My observations and sentiments might differ from others’, as perspectives vary. However, I’ve seen firsthand the real challenges of such a position. Regardless of one’s income level, the desire for more can perpetuate a cycle of dissatisfaction. For me, the quality of relationships with colleagues and one’s attitude towards work are what’s most important. This perspective is why some teachers, including myself, choose to prioritize meaningful connections and a positive work environment over the pursuit of the highest professional achievements. – Avril | Helpline PH