Effective vs Efficient Teacher

Effective vs Efficient Teacher

The term “effective” refers to the ability to achieve a goal through achieving the intended result. It mentions the teacher completing his or her work, but it makes no mention of how he or she worked with it or who helped him or her with it, as long as he or she has completed it. For example, before the school year 2022–2023, the principal advised his or her teacher to develop a contingency plan. If the teacher completes it, she or he will be regarded as an effective teacher. With honesty and integrity, the teacher is doing the right thing. In contrast, efficient means using the least amount of resources, effort, and time to perform or work in the best possible way. An efficient teacher works ahead of schedule or completes and submits work on time. Besides, the teacher acts quickly and emphasizes the steps rather than the outcome.

How can we tell whether or not a teacher is effective or efficient? The principal can quickly assess whether or not his or her teachers are effective and efficient in the classroom. An effective teacher concentrates on the end result, whereas an efficient teacher concentrates on the process. An effective teacher can immediately notice the outcome of a lesson. He or she is anxious about how many pupils received passing grades after his or her lessons, and he or she instantly counts how many students will attend the remedial class. An effective teacher presents his or her material in a logical arrangement. He or she is sticking to his or her instructional plan. His/her main priorities are time management and file submission. Regardless of whether there are students behind or ahead of schedule, the teacher should finish all of the topics he or she intended for the quarter.

An effective teacher is one who makes a difference in the lives of others. A great teacher will never know when their impact on the lives of their students ends, while an efficient teacher will be working on a project with a deadline. An effective teacher’s purpose, for example, is to influence or change the behavior of kids who are always late to school. A teacher can be considered an effective teacher if his or her plans are successful. She or he can seek assistance from classmates, peers, teachers, and parents of students who arrive late to school. Teachers can also provide rewards or demerits to students who arrive early or late to school. A teacher’s plans can complete it in a week, a month, or a quarter, but the time constraint and resource conservation are not well planned or considered. While the efficient teacher has a deadline for students who are late to class, she also sets a one-week deadline for students who arrive late to return to school on time. This teacher avoids involving other people as much as possible, but an effective teacher does. The efficient teacher believes that fewer people involved, less time, and less cost are always valuable. It doesn’t mean that an effective teacher is frugal or expensive; it’s simply a matter of priorities. – Doki | Helpline PH