Educating the learners is teacher-parent partnership

Educating the learners is teacher-parent partnership

Ronald Tenio Salada

Educating the learners is a joint task of both teachers and parents. It is not the sole responsibility of the teachers alone, nor the sole responsibility of the parents alone. It should be the collaborative efforts between the teachers and the parents as well. If there is the collaboration of the teachers and the parents, educating the learners could be giving a good result. Let us remember that it takes the whole village to educate the learners.

Teachers teach the learners with the different competencies that learners ought to learn. Teachers also teach the learners with different lessons in life, not just only lessons found in books. Teachers also develop the God-given talents and skills of the learners in school. Teachers also develop the learners holistically, meaning every aspect of the learners like social aspect, emotional aspect, mental aspect and spiritual aspect will be developed by the teachers in school. Teachers are doing all of these in order to make the learners productive citizens of the country.

Parents also have their responsibilities in educating the learners. At home, it is the responsibility of the parents to make a follow-up of their children. They must follow-up their children regarding what they did in school, what was their lesson or if they have assignments, projects and the like. Parents must also guide their children as they grow up and as they face the realities of life. They must teach their children on how to stand using their own feet so that they will not become dependent to their parents all the time. Parents must also teach their children in doing household chores because that is part of their training. When they get married and start their own family, they can do the different household chores because their parents taught them when they were still young. In this way, parents can develop their children to become responsible individuals.

So, it is really important that in educating the learners or the children, there must be a collaboration between teachers and parents. If this is the scenario, for sure, learners will learn everything necessary and they will become productive and responsible citizens of the country. Let us remember that in educating the learners, it will really take the whole village to do so. So, everyone must be doing his/her part in educating the learners. Learners cannot only learn everything within the four walls of the classroom, they can also learn other important things at home, in the community where they live and among others. Learning does not only happen inside the classroom or in the school. Learners can also learn something in other places and from other individuals. 

School authorities, parents, guardians, government officials and other stakeholders must join their hands together in educating the learners. Everyone has a role to do and everyone needs one another in teaching the learners. So, it is really necessary to be one in developing learners so that they will become good citizens of the country and eventually making our country a better place to live in. We can achieve what we wish for if and only everyone will be joining together in educating the learners.

Educating the learners must not be taken for granted. Teachers and parents, with the help and support of others must join forces in doing what is right with the learners. There must be the collaboration of everyone in making learners assets of their family, of their school, of their community and of the entire country.