Reasons why printing of modules in the public schools is a “BIG CHALLENGE”

Printing of modules

Teachers in public schools are now very busy with the preparation of the things needed for the modular type of teaching. From making their boxes to the printing of the modules and the transmission of the modules to the different destinations. The responsibility of every teacher is heavy enough and this task is also a very big challenge to everyone. Adjusting to this new normal way of learning is a really tedious task yet fulfilling.

Here are some of the reasons why this printing of the modules this school year is a challenge to the teachers:

On the Printing Phase…

  • The printing of the modules will really incur a huge amount therefore a huge budget from the MOOE is also needed.
  • Some schools are small and they don’t have a sufficient budget for the purchase of the necessary things needed.
  • Not all teachers have printers; others depend on the printer owned by the school. One printer will not suffice the printing of more than 20 pages module per week with 50 to 60 students per section.
  • More and more reams of bond paper are needed as per teacher needs 3 reams for each subject per month as estimated not counting those who are handling two or more subjects.
  • More bottles of ink should be given weekly to each teacher if the school doesn’t have a RISO copier.

Upon the transmission of the Modules to the different destinations…

  • The school will need to hire a vehicle which will take the teachers to each barangay for the distribution of the modules which means another expense care of MOOE funds if it is available
  • Each week the teachers will have to bring the modules and then retrieve it at the end of the week for checking.
  • Teachers need to be very careful in the transmission of these modules and need to be really healthy and follow safety protocols to avoid getting any virus since there is no budget for teachers in case they get infected with the virus (how sad).
  • Those rural areas sometimes have roads very difficult for passage thus teachers need to take on their feet to reach the destinations (regardless of the difficulties, still they tried their best to reach their students).
  • The modules that are given will not be 100% be appreciated by some students, others will only put that in the corners without even reading it.

So as you can see, it is really a challenge for all the educators out there. As long as there are students who appreciate the efforts of their teachers, then it will be fulfilling though. Even if this pandemic will end soon, still the memories of the teachers doing their good deeds will be forever written. – Clea | Helpline PH