Today’s Gospel Reflection: Luke 9:11b-17

Gospel: Luke 9:11b-17

Jesus spoke to the crowds about the kingdom of God,
and he healed those who needed to be cured.
As the day was drawing to a close,
the Twelve approached him and said,
“Dismiss the crowd
so that they can go to the surrounding villages and farms
and find lodging and provisions;
for we are in a deserted place here.”
He said to them, “Give them some food yourselves.”
They replied, “Five loaves and two fish are all we have,
unless we ourselves go and buy food for all these people.”
Now the men there numbered about five thousand.
Then he said to his disciples,
“Have them sit down in groups of about fifty.”
They did so and made them all sit down.
Then taking the five loaves and the two fish,
and looking up to heaven,
he said the blessing over them, broke them,
and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd.
They all ate and were satisfied.
And when the leftover fragments were picked up,
they filled twelve wicker baskets.


The gospel for today is from Luke 9:11b-17 from and we are once again reminded of today’s commemoration. Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ or Corpus Christi.

What is Corpus Christi? Corpus Christi is the solemnity which honors the institution of the Holy Eucharist. In short, we honor the Sacrament of Holy Communion. 

Luke 9:11b-17 is telling us that God’s gift never ceases. He is always willing to give His whole heart to us. During Sundays’ this is the only the time we can spend to receive the Body and Blood of Christ.

Our children may not know the truth behind this gospel but we adults do. It is our duty to tell our children what the gospel in Luke 9:11b-17 is trying to envoy a message to us all.

The miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes is a constant reminder. Jesus can also provide spiritual sustenance beyond my imagining. There is a mysterious disproportion between what I give and what the Lord makes of it.

“Take my five loaves and two fishes. Do with it as you will. I surrender.” This is a famous line from the famous song from a singer. This song may be very simple yet the message is deep. The Body and Blood of Jesus speak the whole truth about this.

Luke 9:11b-17 is always a reminder that we must take the Body and Blood of Christ through the most Holy Communion. Every Sunday, we must try to seek God and ask for His forgiveness, The Holy Communion is one way to let Jesus enter us. We must always prepare ourselves

Lord Jesus, let the Holy Communion always remind us to be loyal Christians. May we always bear witness of your love to us all.Clea | Helpline PH