TESDA Driving NC II (Free Training with Allowance)

Good news! The Royal Maharlika Wellness and Training Center Inc. is now accepting scholars for the TESDA Driving NC II course. This scholarship program is under TESDA and DOTr with free tuition fee, assessment, and allowance. It is exclusive to Drivers, Operators of PUVs, Buses, MiniBuses, Jeepneys, Vans, Taxis, and their relatives or family members.
Scholar Benefits
- Free Training
- Free Competency Assessment
- Student Allowance
Entry Requirements
- At least 18 years old and above.
- Able to read and write
- Physically and Mentally Fit
How to enroll in this scholarship program?
For those interested in enrolling in this scholarship program, call or visit the Royal Maharlika Wellness and Training Center Inc. located at Rivero St., Naturales Pavilion, Barangay IX, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur. Contact Number: 0917-145-2797