FREE Downloadable RPMS Portfolio Template

According to DepEd, Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) is implemented in consonance with the Civil Service Commission’s (CSC) Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS). The RPMS shall align the performance targets and accomplishments with the Department’s mandate, vision, mission and strategic goals. It shall ensure 100% results orientation vis-a-vis the planned targets. (Source: DepEd)

Below is a FREE Downloadable RPMS Portfolio Template that is ready to print. You can edit it anyway using Microsoft Word and change font you desired.

RPMS Portfolio Template 1 – KRA 1KRA 2 ,KRA 3 ,KRA 4 ,KRA 5, Objectives & MOVs

This template is designed by HELPLINE PH, more RPMS Portfolio Template will be available soon…