Reasons Why VP Sara Duterte’s Resignation as DepEd Secretary Devastates Teachers

A few days ago, Vice President Sarah Z. Duterte stepped down as the Secretary of DepEd, sending shockwaves through the teaching community nationwide. This unexpected resignation has elicited mixed reactions and left many educators in the Philippines feeling disheartened and confused due to the lack of a detailed explanation. For many teachers, VP Sarah was one of the few secretaries who genuinely cared about their well-being.

New Leader, New Adjustments

A leader resigning means another person will take over their role. This is common in any institution, especially government offices, where one top official replaces another. However, what really matters are the changes that come with such appointments. Teachers often find these transitions tiresome. If only DepEd had a consistent set of rules and clear instructions, teachers wouldn’t be left wondering what to follow each time there’s a change in leadership. Education is not like TikTok, where frequent shifts can be exciting; instead, they create confusion. Thus, the initial worry is about how long the adjustment period will last.

Desire for Teacher-Friendly Leaders

VP Sarah was known for her compassion towards teachers. She allowed a full month of uninterrupted vacation and reduced additional tasks. Unfortunately, many district supervisors and school heads did not follow suit. If the next secretary lacks compassion and is driven by greed, expect chaos within the Ministry of Education.

Doubts Over Pay Rise Prospects

Since VP Sarah assumed office, teachers were optimistic about finally receiving their long-awaited salary increments. However, two years have passed without any action, and now with her resignation, all hopes are lost. It seems the government still does not see the need to recognize hardworking educators, leaving many disillusioned.

Call for Knowledgeable Leaders

While teachers can’t stop the resignation, they pray for a knowledgeable leader to take charge. Someone with experience in the teaching profession is crucial. Without such a leader, more harm than good may occur within the system.

Possible Anarchy Without a Successor by July 19th, 2024

If a new top official is not appointed by July 19th, 2024, the department could descend into chaos. Regional bosses might start making their own decisions without central authority, leading to inconsistency and confusion. In this scenario, teachers and learners would suffer the most from the disorganization.

In view of these points, it is important for the president to appoint a person who will run the ministry with truthfulness and vigor. The new leader should be intelligent enough to make sound judgments without corruption while showing genuine concern for teachers, yet strong enough to make tough decisions.