Tips on how to compile the very important documents of teachers for easy access

Tips on how to compile the very important documents of teachers for easy access

Teachers are people who have papers and documents all their lives. Every teacher has her/his own piles of papers and documents. Sometimes, these important documents need some arrangements and labels.

In order for teachers to find certain documents that easy, they need to organize it. Here are some tips on how to compile and arrange documents for teachers for easy access.

1. Buy a steel cabinet with vault.

You need the very strong steel cabinet which can withstand fire. Make sure that your papers will be safe in case of any emergency.

2. Buy expanded folders with ears for the labels.

These folders are necessary for the separation of your documents.

3. Color code your expanded folders for easy recognition.

This is optional. You can use the same color all or color code your folders. For example color yellow for personal files and green for your school (DepEd) files.

4. Buy puncher, fastener or even clips.

This will help you maintain your work as neat as you want it to be.

5. Segregate and pre-label your documents according to use.

Segregate first your papers/documents. Pre-label with a pencil only on the top-right part of the document. (For example: pre-label certificates on the top right so you won’t confuse yourself later on)

6. Fasten your documents to a folder (color-coded is a n option).

You have to fasten it to avoid loss of document. This is important.

7. Label each folder for easy access.

Labeling is also vital if you wish to organize your files. (Examples of labels are: Certificates, Service Records, Payslip, NOSI, NOSA, Communication Letters, etc.)

8. Arrange the labeled folders in alphabetical order inside the steel cabinet.

It is important to arrange it in alphabetical order so it is easy to look for it during busy days.

9. Place the most important documents inside the vault and lock it.

The vault is the safest place for your personal cheques, bundle of money, etc.

10. Make sure to keep the keys to your steel cabinet in a safe place. Don’t forget to have it duplicated.

The keys to your steel cabinet should be place somewhere you cannot forget. Another option is to duplicate it and let your husband/wife hide the other keys for emergency. Only your family members should know everything inside the steel cabinet.

Do these tips and for sure you will find it very comfortable looking for your documents when the school need it. Trust me, the hard part of being a teacher with many papers is the hassle of finding it here and there vice versa. – Clea | Helpline PH