Filipino teachers are underpaid that’s why they crave for a huge miracle from the government for an increase this 2024

Filipino teachers are underpaid that’s why they crave for a huge miracle from the government for an increase this 2024

Filipino teachers are underpaid and this is the truth since then. The government finds it hard to raise their salary, or not? If not, then may be the government is only giving teachers an alibi not no.

This is the main cry of the teachers even before during the past administrations. The only thing they did was to raise a little amount on a staggard basis. Those salary increases were never felt by the teachers since it only goes to the tax every month. 

Teachers are underpaid in all sense plus the workload and the hours of working are struggle. Why can’t our government give in with the pleas of these teachers in a “one-time” basis?

Our government says that there are processes in order for the increase to happen. This is why our teachers are underpaid up to this day. Yet, if there is a will then sure the way will follow. If our lawmakers will push the salary increase one time, then our teachers will be happy.

In other countries, their teachers receive a good amount of salary. Meaning, they give priority to their educators. It is only the Philippines who has very low salary to their teachers. Then here and there we read and hear news about unnecessary procurement of things.

The truth is, teachers are underpaid up to this day because the government is not willing to give it. Few lawmakers push through it but will not succeed. They always say that there are many priorities and obligations in line.

Teachers are underpaid that is why they crave for a miracle that one day their salary will increase. They are already tired of getting many loans here and there. They want to secure their future by saving more from their hard earned money than having many loans.

Teachers deserve to get a high salary like many other countries. If this madness continues and teachers are not taken care of, mass resignation will push. Then brain drain will continue because most of the skilled workers are migrating. – Avril | Helpline PH