A Teachers’ Guide to Early Resignation in DepEd

Resignation in DepEd

Teachers are not born; they are self-made. They go to school for four (4) years, graduate, review for the board exam, take the LET, and try their best to be on the ranking list to become full-fledged regular teachers. Some of them were very lucky to be given an item early, but most of them waited for many years to get a regular item. Most of them did it on their own without any help from higher-ranking officials, but those who made it easy were those who had backers. If one wishes to become a regular teacher, he/she must be willing to wait for 5 to 10 years before having an item. That is the reality in DepEd. In short, getting a regular appointment is not that easy, and sometimes, teachers have to sacrifice their families to accept faraway areas. Teachers have to do everything to get a permanent/regular item from DepEd. It means giving up one’s item should be a very heavy and difficult decision a teacher can make in her entire existence.

However, recently there are many instances of resignation in DepEd because of suffocation and stress from work. When in the past decades, teachers would fight to the end and strive in their chosen field, nowadays, teachers don’t hesitate to resign and give up their items. There are many factors that contribute to these actions. Whatever those factors and reasons are, it doesn’t matter anymore because these teachers realized their worth. To resign from DepEd, a teacher must think of the following to be guided:

  1. Resignation is one tough decision, so make sure you still have the resources right after you resign and stay at home.
  2. If you have already rendered 15 years as a teacher, then you can decide to resign or to push through being a teacher.
  3. If you feel like you can’t do it anymore, then leave the system and try plan B.
  4. If teaching is not fulfilling anymore, and you are not happy, then maybe quitting will give you peace of mind.
  5. Remember that when you get sick because of your work, DepEd will not look after your health; instead, they will easily replace you with a fresh one.
  6. Remember that teaching is not the only profession in this world. You may be a teacher by profession, but you can always look for any other work other than teaching.
  7. If you leave DepEd because of your principal and the many tasks he/she gave you, make sure to tell him/her in person during the last day of your official service so she/he may know that they are the reason for your resignation.
  8. Don’t let your colleagues give you a “despidida party” because the truth is you are not happy anymore with everything in your school, so it means your despidida is like a “show” only (reality).
  9. Move on and make sure you are doing a great job after leaving DepEd.

Remember this, teacher: if you are not happy with your current role, don’t hesitate to leave. But of course, think twice, thrice, or many times so that in the end, you won’t regret your decisions at all.

In conclusion, resignation in DepEd has become more common due to the increasing pressures and stresses that teachers face. While it is a tough decision, it is important for teachers to prioritize their well-being and happiness. If you find yourself struggling, consider these guidelines to help you navigate the process of resigning from DepEd effectively. – Avril | Helpline PH