Reasons Why Teachers Spend Their Own Money During Brigada Eskwela

Few days from now, Brigada Eskwela 2024 will officially kick-off, and teachers, students, and parents are expected to go hand in hand in cleaning the school premises. It is only in the Philippines where Brigada Eskwela is a must. The Department of Education (DepEd) often sugarcoats the real reason behind the need to engage parents in this annual school year opening activity. However, our main focus here is to highlight the reasons why teachers spend money during Brigada Eskwela.

Since Brigada Eskwela is fast approaching, our dear teachers are also expected to spend an amount from their own pockets. This has become a tradition every school year. Here are the reasons why teachers cannot avoid spending their own money during Brigada Eskwela:

No Budget for the Repairs and Beautification of Their Own Classroom and Areas

DepEd is the largest sector yet there is always a scarcity when it comes to the budget for every school. The reasons behind this budget shortfall remain unclear, though some speculate that corruption plays a role. As a result, teachers often feel compelled to spend their own money for classroom repairs when the school cannot provide any budget for it.

Pressure from the Principal and Supervisors

A teacher friend once shared that they were pressured by their school principal to make numerous purchases for the beautification of their classrooms. Most of the time, teachers feel they cannot express their true feelings, so they keep silent. This dynamic allows DepEd to overlook the actual conditions of the schools, knowing that teachers will always find a way to meet the school’s needs.

The Opening of the School Year Cannot Wait for the MOOE Budget

Yes, there is a Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) budget, but it is often insufficient to meet all the teachers’ requests. Waiting for this budget is not feasible as the opening of classes cannot be delayed. Consequently, teachers decide to spend their own money to ensure their classrooms are ready on time. It’s a matter of common sense and practicality.

They Often Feel Shy When Asking for Donations from Stakeholders

When school principals instruct teachers to seek donations from stakeholders, it often becomes a burden. Not all teachers have the confidence to ask for money, especially when they know everyone is facing financial challenges. Therefore, many teachers prefer to spend their own money rather than solicit donations from others.

These are just some of the reasons teachers spend money during Brigada Eskwela. Despite the financial burden, teachers remain dedicated to creating a conducive learning environment for their students. Their commitment and sacrifice are truly commendable. – Avril | Helpline PH