PH Teachers’ Plight: Underpaid, Overworked and Seeking Greener Pastures Abroad

The plight of Philippine (PH) teachers is one of hardship, sacrifice, and a fervent hope for improvement. Working in a profession that is often underappreciated and undercompensated, many educators in the Philippines feel the sting of their circumstances deeply.
The perception among these teachers is unanimous – they are severely underpaid. Their salary, according to them, falls short of their needs and is inadequate to meet the increasing cost of living in the country. This feeling of financial discontent is a constant reminder of their predicament, compelling them to seek better opportunities.
As the years roll by, the struggle intensifies, especially for those supporting a family. It is a distressing reality for these teachers who have dedicated their lives to educate future generations, and yet, their income remains insufficient. Their calls for salary improvement appear to fall on deaf ears, leaving them feeling neglected and undervalued.
This has led many Filipino teachers to explore opportunities beyond their homeland’s borders, particularly in Thailand. Reports suggest that the grass is indeed greener on the other side. In Thailand, not only is the pay better, but the workload is also considerably lighter. The focus is primarily on teaching, a stark contrast to their experience back home where administrative and non-teaching tasks often consume their time and energy.
Furthermore, data from ACT Philippines paints a grim picture of the workload of public school teachers in the Philippines. It reveals that a significant portion of these educators juggles more than six teaching loads, leaving them with very little time for rest and personal life.
The Republic Act No. 4670, also known as the “Magna Carta for Public School Teachers,” states that teaching hours should not exceed six hours daily. However, the implementation of DepEd and Civil Service Commission Resolution No. 080096 allows teachers to allocate six hours for actual teaching duties and two additional hours for non-teaching-related activities. This policy increases their workload and further amplifies their struggle.
Unless significant changes are made to enhance their pay and working conditions, PH teachers are likely to continue seeking employment abroad. Their plight is a stark reminder of the undervalued teaching profession in the Philippines, especially when compared to other Asian countries where teachers receive better pay and recognition. – Alec | Helpline PH