Why Money-Making Pageants in Schools Should Stop

Why Money-Making Pageants in Schools Should Stop

In many schools, events like Mr. and Miss Valentine’s are seen as a way to have fun and raise funds. However, a growing number of parents and educators are questioning if these pageants are the best way forward. Here’s why they believe money-making pageants in schools should be stopped:

1. Emphasis on Appearance: Pageants often focus more on how students look rather than on their talents or character. Schools are for learning and personal growth, not for judging students on their physical appearance. Many parents worry about the message this sends to their children.

2. Creates Exclusion: Not every student wants to or feels comfortable participating in pageants. This can lead to feelings of being left out or not good enough, especially for those who don’t fit the traditional pageant criteria. Parents are concerned about the impact on all students, not just the participants.

3. Added Pressure: The stress of preparing for and participating in pageants can be overwhelming. There’s a lot of pressure to meet certain standards or to win, which isn’t healthy for students. Parents want school to be a stress-free environment where their children can focus on learning.

4. Wrong Priorities: Pageants can send the wrong message about what’s important, suggesting that beauty and popularity are key to success. However, parents and educators alike believe in teaching values like kindness, hard work, and cooperation—traits that truly matter in life.

5. Inclusive Fundraising Alternatives: There are many other ways to raise funds that involve the whole school community and don’t rely on competition over looks. From bake sales to charity runs, parents advocate for events that can bring students together for a common cause without the negatives of a pageant.

6. Parental Concerns: Many parents are against these pageants because they see the negative effects they can have on kids, from damaging their self-esteem to distracting them from their studies. They are calling for schools to reconsider these events and to focus on more inclusive and positive activities.

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In conclusion, the concerns surrounding Money-Making Pageants in schools are multifaceted. Not only do they place undue emphasis on appearance and competition, but they also often put students in uncomfortable positions, obliging them to contribute financially to their candidate’s campaign. Furthermore, students are compelled to solicit funds from others, adding an element of pressure and financial burden. Additionally, the parents of contestants may feel obligated to contribute more money in hopes of securing a win for their children. This financial dynamic adds another layer of complexity and potential stress, detracting from the inclusive, supportive atmosphere that schools strive to promote. By considering these aspects and moving towards more inclusive and equitable fundraising activities, schools can ensure a positive environment that values every student’s dignity and worth. – Mark | Helpline PH