Is There Really No Classroom Observation in SY 2024-2025?

Teacher conducting a classroom lesson during SY 2024-2025, with updates on classroom observation and RPMS suspension.

Classroom observation is an important process in education that helps give feedback to teachers about their teaching practices. It encourages teachers to reflect on and improve their methods, providing evidence of their strengths and areas where they can grow. Classroom observation also shows the impact of their teaching on students and helps visualize what happens in the classroom.

However, for School Year (SY) 2024-2025, there have been changes in how classroom observation is carried out because of the suspension of the Result-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) for DepEd school-based personnel.

Executive Order No. 61 s. 2024

It was announced that the implementation of RPMS would be suspended for all school-based personnel for the upcoming SY 2024-2025. This means all activities related to RPMS, such as performance planning, monitoring, assessment, and evaluation of school heads, teachers, and non-teaching personnel, will be put on hold until further notice.

Yes and No: Is There Still Classroom Observation?

The answer is both yes and no. Here’s why:

  • Yes, there will be no classroom observation for RPMS purposes. Since the RPMS is suspended, there will be no formal classroom observations aimed at evaluating teacher performance for RPMS purposes.
  • No, classroom observation is not completely gone. There will still be classroom observations, but for a different purpose—technical assistance for teachers. This means school principals, assisted by master teachers, will continue to observe classes to provide guidance and support to teachers in improving their teaching methods.


While classroom observations for RPMS purposes are suspended, classroom observations for helping teachers improve their practices will continue. This change ensures that even without the RPMS, teachers will still receive valuable support and feedback from their school leaders.