Proposed Salary Increase for Government Workers: Ensuring Fair Compensation

Proposed Salary Increase for Government Workers: Ensuring Fair Compensation

On June 11, 2024, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) released a statement about a study they are doing on whether to increase the salaries of government workers. This study is checking all parts of the current pay system, like salaries, benefits, and allowances, to see where improvements can be made. They are comparing these to what private sector workers get to ensure the pay is fair and sustainable, and can help government workers be more productive despite rising prices.

The study is set to finish by the end of June 2024. The results will help make needed changes to the way government workers are paid. A consultant from the Governance Commission for GOCCs (GCG) will share the findings with both the DBM and the GCG.

The DBM has promised to support the new salary adjustments once they’re approved, ensuring government workers receive competitive and fair pay. This will depend on the government having extra money to fund these changes.