End Classes in April for SY 2024-2025: A Proposal for a Shift Back to the Old School Calendar

End Classes in April for SY 2024-2025: A Proposal for a Shift Back to the Old School Calendar

The Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) has proposed that ending school classes in April might lead to better educational outcomes. They argue that this change could help avoid the disruptions caused by extreme heat in the months of April and May.

According to the ACT, their plan would provide 175 school days in the academic year 2024-2025, only slightly fewer than the current 179 days. This change, they suggest, could lead to a shift back to the school calendar used before the pandemic. By the school year 2025-2026, classes could begin on June 23 and end by March 31, giving a total of 188 school days.

Vladimer Quetua, the chairman of ACT, emphasized the benefits of not having school during the hottest months. “With nearly 6,000 schools already using alternative teaching methods early in April, we see that the heat affects students’ ability to concentrate and makes teaching harder,” he said.

The teacher’s group also urged the Department of Education (DepEd) to reconsider its plans to change the school calendar. They called for new discussions with teachers and other groups involved in education. These talks are needed because the situation in classrooms has changed.

The DepEd has not yet agreed to the immediate return to the previous school calendar but noted that making any quick changes could impact both learning quality and the health of students and teachers.

The ACT also asked the government to solve problems like not having enough classrooms and to make sure schools are built to withstand the heat. Last week, the DepEd said it would ask for more guidance from President Marcos, who has shown openness to going back to the old school calendar. This could help avoid the difficulties of teaching in very hot conditions, which have already led to class suspensions in many schools this April.