4 Hours of Actual Teaching for Teachers

4 Hours of Actual Teaching

4 Hours of Actual Teaching for Teachers

Sen. Sherwin Gatchalian wants to reduce the teaching hours of public school teachers. He proposed a change to the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers. Gatchalian said that the current six-hour teaching schedule should be reduced to four hours.

Gatchalian explained that teaching might exceed four hours, but it should not go beyond eight hours. Teachers should also receive “overload pay” of 25% of their salary if they work extra hours. Currently, teachers work eight hours a day, with two hours dedicated to preparing lesson plans and grading student work.

Read: Teachers’ Workload in Public Schools and Payment of Teaching Overload

Senate Bill No. 2493 also states that teachers should no longer have non-teaching duties. According to the study by the Second Congressional Commission on Education (Edcom 2), teachers are doing 50 administrative tasks that are not related to teaching.

Gatchalian also proposed that teachers should be given five days of calamity leave with pay.

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