Proposed Salary Standardization Law (SSL) VI

Proposed Salary Standardization Law (SSL) VI

Proposed Salary Standardization Law (SSL) VI

Senator Jinggoy Estrada has introduced a new bill, Senate Bill No. 2611, also known as the “Salary Standardization Law (SSL) VI,” aiming to raise the basic salary of government employees in the Philippines.

This bill proposes a structured increase in salaries to be implemented in four stages. The objective is to help government workers manage the increasing costs of basic needs and services, ensuring they can provide a decent standard of living for their families.

“The expiration of the Salary Standardization Law (SSL) 5 last year, which was introduced by the previous administration, has left a gap in addressing the rising cost of living. It’s essential to adjust the salaries of government employees so they can continue to afford a decent life,” said Senator Estrada.

With this new proposal, Senator Estrada hopes to express the government’s appreciation for the dedicated and selfless service of its workers. By making their salaries competitive, it is also expected to retain current employees and attract new applicants, leading to a stronger and more effective civil service.

According to the bill, employees on Salary Grade 11 will see their salary increase from P29,700 in the first tranche to P39,531 by the fourth tranche.

“This bill is not just about raising salaries; it’s about recognizing the hard work and dedication of our government workers. Their commitment to public service is invaluable, and it’s crucial we support them through measures like these,” Estrada added.

If passed, the Salary Standardization Law VI will play a critical role in enhancing the welfare of government employees and ensuring a dynamic and robust civil service in the country.