Increasing PERA for Government Employees

Increasing PERA for Government Employees

Senator Raffy T. Tulfo has introduced a new bill to the Senate of the Philippines. This bill aims to increase the Personnel Economic Relief Allowance (PERA) for government employees. PERA is a monthly allowance given to government workers to help them with the rising cost of living.

What is PERA?

PERA stands for Personnel Economic Relief Allowance. It is a financial benefit given to government employees in the Philippines. This allowance helps them cope with inflation, which is the general increase in prices. PERA ensures that government employees can meet their daily needs even when the cost of living goes up.

Why is Increasing PERA Important?

The cost of living in the Philippines is rising. Prices for goods and services are getting higher due to inflation. Government employees need more financial support to manage these costs. Increasing PERA will help them maintain their economic stability. This means they can continue to provide for their families and live comfortably.

The Bill’s Key Points

  1. Automatic Yearly Adjustment: The bill proposes that PERA should be adjusted automatically every year. This adjustment will match the increase in the country’s annual inflation rate. This way, PERA will always be enough to help employees with the rising costs.
  2. Increase in PERA Amount: Currently, government employees receive P2,000 per month as PERA. The bill suggests increasing this amount to P4,000 per month. This will provide better support to the employees.
  3. Who Will Benefit?: The increase in PERA will be granted to all civilian government employees. This includes those working in national and local governments, whether they are appointed or elected. It covers regular, contractual, and casual positions. However, government employees stationed abroad who receive overseas allowances will not get the increased PERA.
  4. Funding: For the first year, the additional funds needed for the increased PERA will come from government savings. This includes any unused or extra budget allocations. In the following years, the required funds will be included in the annual General Appropriations Act.
  5. Implementation: The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) will issue rules and regulations to implement the new PERA within fifteen days of the bill becoming law.
  6. Repealing Conflicting Laws: Any laws, decrees, or resolutions that conflict with this bill will be repealed or amended to ensure consistency.

Read Senate Bill No. 2673 for more details.


Increasing and adjusting the Personnel Economic Relief Allowance (PERA) is crucial for supporting government employees. This bill, introduced by Senator Raffy T. Tulfo, aims to provide financial relief to public sector workers. By doing so, it helps them manage the rising cost of living and ensures they can perform their duties effectively. This measure not only benefits the individual employees but also strengthens the overall efficiency and morale within the government workforce.

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