MAJOHA instead of GOMBURZA: New Generation of Students Embarrassing Teachers as they Neglected the Simplest Points in the Philippine History

MAJOHA instead of GOMBURZA: New Generation of Students Embarrassing Teachers as they Neglected the Simplest Points in the Philippine History

MAJOHA instead of GOMBURZA is a very famous term in the social media right now. It is very disappointing to know that our new generation of students failed to know our history. 

Majoha Issue
Photo: Pinoy Big Brother

The country’s TV reality game show Pinoy Big Brother (PBB) hosted a PBB Quiz Bee for its teen housemates lately. It turned out that these PBB teen housemates failed to answer the most common topics. 

One question is about the three priests executed by garrote. These teen housemates answered “MAJOHA” instead of GOMBURZA. This created a buzz online. Once again, they called the attention of the teachers on this matter.

Now, the reality is that no matter what the situation may be, it will always reflect on the teachers. It is normal that people will tap the attention of the teachers on this matter. To be more specific, History teachers in every school in the country.

It is very disappointing that our new generation of students seemed off. MAJOHA instead of GOMBURZA is so shocking and it is NOT and NEVER will be funny at all. With all due respect, the 90’s generation and beyond memorized these topics. 

I am a product of the old school myself and guess what? We memorized these simple topics in the Philippine history in the early grades. This was our lessons in elementary years. Our teachers before will not let us pass unless we memorized each important names in the history. It is as if it was our past time to study before.

And now? What happened to our new generation? They let their teachers felt embarrassed by this. Almost all the questions asked in the reality show were simple yet they all failed to answer it. Then now they will again blame this to teacher factor? 

Why MAJOHA instead of GOMBURZA for heavens’ sake? Where were these students when their teacher discussed this topic? I believe that this is the result of too much student pampering nowadays. Teachers don’t have the right to control the students that is why these major changes.

As the world is getting high in technology, the lesser it is for the students to interact and understand. They even don’t study in a serious manner anymore. I don’t believe that teachers are there to blame for this. Teachers teach and relay what is due to students. It is the role of the students to register what they learn at school in their system. 

Whatever happens, teachers must not be the culprit to blame for in this issue. They are doing their responsibilities only to know their students are not willing. In learning, both the teacher and students should give and take to understand. If only one side is working, nothing will happen.  – Clea | Helpline PH