Test on Correct Grammar in English Part 1 is one the topics that needs mastery in Civil Service Exam. Reviewees need to master the key points that are crucial and needs extra attention. To do this, the reviewee should read and understand each item with proper care. In taking Civil Service Exam, memorization is only a technique but it can’t help you pass the exam. It means that you have to read, understand and internalize the topics. Understanding the questions very well before analyzing it is the best trick to do.
In reviewing Test on Correct Grammar in English Part 1, the brain should act as a gallery. The reviewee must master retention of difficult points. There are choices and options but those are very close to the correct answer. To pick the best answer, the reviewee should master the techniques very well. With four difficult choices, only one is the answer. It takes wit and speed as well as control to point the answer in a matter of one (1) minute.
Some items in Test on Correct Grammar in English Part 1 are easy. Yet, the difficult questions outnumber the easy ones. During the review, it is best if you stay focus and think that the review is the real scenario. In this manner, you will be used to the flow of the process of the exam. The positive mentality is what matters the most and it will add to your advantage. Questions in each item may be difficult at first reading but as you read it twice, you will find it easy to answer. Test on Correct Grammar in English Part 1 is very important and this is one point that you need to practice.
Many said that Civil Service Exam is difficult to pass and it is agreeable. If an aspiring taker wishes to pass the examination, he/she must focus on the review to nail it!

Test on Correct Grammar in English Part 1
Directions: The following sentences contain an underlined error in grammar or usage. Choose the right word/s as the correct answer.
1. I read in the Philippine Star where the inflation rate is going up.
a. said
b. that
c. about
d. says
Ans: b
2. The Certified Public Accountancy Board Examination last October was too difficult for my brother and I to pass.
a. so do I
b. I also
c. me
d. with me
Ans: c
3. This week’s traffic set a record: the largest amount of vehicles used the south – bound lane of EDSA.
a. volume
b. pile
c. number
d. stretch
Ans: c
4 The Philippine President greeted every Foreign Minister which came to attend the 12th ASEAN Ministerial Conference here in Manila.
a. that
b. who
c. will come
d. who did
Ans: b
5. If he would have listened to me, he would not have applied for that position in my cousin’s manufacturing company.
a. had
b. should have
c. always
d. have
Ans: a
6. Let us consider the affected that this new law will have on the lives of our citizens.
a. affect
b. impact
c. results
d. effects
Ans: d
7. The climate of Southern California is very much like Florida.
a. similar to
b. much like that of
c. almost
d. same with
Ans: b
8. My father was sympathetic, helpful and provided us with money and other provisions during the time my wife was in the hospital.
a. giving us
b. financially
c. generous
d. provider
Ans: c
9. If you think is alright, I shall recommend that it be approved by the Management Committee.
a. all right
b. all ready
c. was right
d. for approval
Ans: a
10. They are both excellent books, well written and encompassing, but the first book is the best.
a. better
b. more good
c. also best
d. better of both
Ans: a
11. Although the books are altogether in the shelf, they are not arranged in any kind of order.
a. gathered
b. deposited
c. classified
d. all together
Ans: d
12. When he begun to sing, all of us became quiet and paid attention to his performance on the stage.
a. started
b. began
c. is singing
d. sun
Ans: b
13. Reading about the massacre, it was difficult to understand the motive of the killers, thus the mystery remained unsolved.
a. Having read
b. While reading
c. As we read
d. Had read
Ans: c
14. I want to compliment the class on the way they went through the Fire Drill without hardly any disorder or panic among the students.
a. smoothly
b. without
c. with none of
d. having no
Ans: b
15. The twins are so similar that it is almost impossible to differentiate one apart from the other.
a. differentiate one
b. differ one
c. separate
d. be different
Ans: a
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