CSE Practice Test 2

CSE Practice Test 2 needs mastery in Civil Service Exam. Reviewees need to master the key points that are crucial and needs extra attention. To do this, the reviewee should read and understand each item with proper care. In taking Civil Service Exam, memorization is only a technique but it can’t help you pass the exam. It means that you have to read, understand and internalize the topics. Understanding the questions very well before analyzing it is the best trick to do.

In reviewing CSE Practice Test 2 , the brain should act as a gallery. The reviewee must master retention of difficult points. There are choices and options but those are very close to the correct answer. To pick the best answer, the reviewee should master the techniques very well. With four difficult choices, only one is the answer. It takes wit and speed as well as control to point the answer in a matter of one (1) minute.

Some items in CSE Practice Test 2  are easy. Yet, the difficult questions outnumber the easy ones. During the review, it is best if you stay focus and think that the review is the real scenario. In this manner, you will be used to the flow of the process of the exam. The positive mentality is what matters the most and it will add to your advantage. Questions in each item may be difficult at first reading but as you read it twice, you will find it easy to answer. CSE Practice Test 2  is very important and this is one point that you need to practice.

Many said that Civil Service Exam is difficult to pass and it is agreeable. If an aspiring taker wishes to pass the examination, he/she must focus on the review to nail it!

Civil Service Examination Reviewer

CSE Practice Test 2


Question 1 to 8 are based on the following Rules for Alphabetical Filling. Read this rule carefully. Then, for each question, determine the correct filling order of the corresponding group of words which are individually marked by identifying CAPITALletters. Select from the five given alternatives marked, a, b, c, d, and e, the correct answer on the basis of the arrangement you have determined.

1.       What is the correct filing order of the following words:
(A) initiation       (B) invitation       (C) initiation
(D) invocation    (E) inquisition

(a)  CEABD
(b)  BCADE
(c)  ABCED
(d)  CEBDA
(e)  ACEBD

The correct answer for the above question is given below:

Ans: (e) ACEBD

1.       The correct answer for the above question is given below:
1)      Initiation                 (A)
2)      Initiation                 (C)
3)      Inquisition               (E)
4)      Invitation                (B)
5)      Invocation              (D)

The correct answer is (e) ACEBD

2.       What is the correct filing order of the following organizations: (A) The City Printers Club (B) Manila Printers Association (C) Nat. Press Ass’n. (D) Manila Printing Press (E) The Manila Press Club.
a)       CABED
b)      BEACD
c)       ABCDE
d)      AEBDC

The correct filing order of the above organization is:
1)      City Printers Club (The)                  (A)
2)      Manila Press Club (The)                 (E)
3)      Manila Printers Association          (B)
4)      Manila Printing Press                     (D)
5)      National Press Association            (C)

The correct answer is (e) AEBDC

3.       What is the correct filing order of these names: (A) Amado Nieva (B) Amando Nieva (C) Amando J. Nieva (D) Armando Nieva (E) Amador F. Neivas
a)       CAEBD
b)      BEACD
c)       ABCDE
d)      DABCE
e)      EBADC

The correct filing order is:
1)      Amando Neiva                (B)
2)      Amador F. Neivas           (E)
3)      Amando Nieva                (A)
4)      Amando J. Neiva             (C)
5)      Armando Nieva               (D)

The correct answer is (b) BEACD

Question 4 to 8 are based on the following names which you are to arrange according to the rules stated above:

(A)    Alfonso Ramir
(B)    Juanito Escano
(C)    Roberto M. Herras
(D)   B.L. Ramirez
(E)    Pedro J. Herrera
(F)    Arturo Escano
(G)   Aurelio Herrera
(H)   A.L. Ramesis
(I)      R.P. Herras
(J)     Jose P. Escano
(K)    J.P. Escano
(L)     Ben Escano
(M)  Roberto Herras
(N)   Alfonso P. Ramaro
(O)   Juan Ramirez

Below is the correct alphabetical arrangement of the names listed below:

(1)  Arturo Escano                 (F)
(2)  Ben Escano                      (L)
(3)  joseEscano                       (J)
(4)  juanito Escano                (B)
(5)  J.P. Escano                       (K)
(6)  Roberto Herras               (M)
(7)  Roberto M. Herras          (C)
(8) R.P. Herras                        (I)
(9) Aurelio Herrera                (G)
(10) Pedro J. Herrera               (E)
(11) Alfonso P. Ramaro           (N)
(12) A.L. Ramesis                      (H)
(13) Alfonso Ramir                   (A)
(14) R.L. Ramirez                      (D)
(15) Juan Ramirez                    (O)

4.       The fifth name in the correct alphabetical filing order lettered:
(a)    H
(b)    K
(c)     A
(d)    L
(e)    None of these

The correct answer is (b)   K

5.       The seventh name in the correct alphabetical filing order is lettered:
(a)    C
(b)    D
(c)     I
(d)    M
(e)    None of these

The correct answer is (a)   C

6.       The tenth name in the correct alphabetical filing order is lettered:
(a)    J
(b)    E
(c)     K
(d)    None of these

The correct answer is (b)   E

7.       The first three names in the correct filing order are respectively lettered:
(a)    HAN
(b)    FLV
(c)     ANF
(d)    KJB
(e)    None of these

The correct answer is (e) none of these

8.       The last five names in the correct filing order are respectively lettered:
(a)    ORMIC
(b)    DOHAN
(c)     IDCME
(d)    HANDO
(e)    None of these

The correct answer is (e) none of these

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