No one talks about the top 10 teachers’ bucket list they need to do before they stop teaching

No one talks about the top 10 teachers’ bucket list they need to do before they stop teaching

Before retiring from DepEd, teachers must fulfill their teachers’ bucket list early. They don’t want to retire without doing anything do they? There are so many things our teachers wanted to do as they are still capable and young.

Here is the top 10 teachers’ bucket list they need to do as early as they enter DepEd:

1. Earn, earn and earn then save, save and save.

This is the top priority in the teachers’ bucket list. The main purpose of being a teacher is to earn a living. Isn’t this the main purpose why we all need to have a job?

2. Build a dream house for the family.

Teachers’ bucket list include a dream house for the whole family. A decent house where the family can spend time together. 

3. Enjoy being single and ready to mingle.

Most teachers don’t want to get married early. They need to make sure they enjoyed being single first. 

4. Get a promotion and upgrade their education status.

One of the teachers’ bucket list that every teacher dreams of. Not all teachers have the opportunity to get a promotion as easy as they want.

5. Travel the country, and then other countries, if not the world.

In reality, teachers can only travel a few places here in the Philippines. Traveling other countries may be a consolation. Only the rich people can do so without having troubles when it comes to money. 

6. Eat healthy food and have healthy lifestyle.

Teachers’ bucket list include being healthy and safe from all diseases and illness.

7. Get a family of their own.

After spending good time as a single, teachers need to have someone to be with forever. A teacher would be so lonely without a partner. But this is not true to all because other may find it okay to be alone for life.

8. Dream car.

This is one of the teachers’ bucket list but is not all the time true to most. Many teachers dream of having a card of their own yet it is only a dream with no realization. Teachers cannot afford to buy first material things before the basic needs.

9. A little business for the future.

Before retirement, teachers must see to it they have a little investment to help them. Other teachers invest on having sari-sari stores while other in real estate.

10. Enjoy life to the fullest with the resources God provided them.

The most important in the teachers’ bucket list is this. To only enjoy life without having to worry of others. Only pure contentment of all the opportunities and graces they receive from God. – Avril | Helpline PH